Monday, May 18, 2015

Webinar: Asset Management Using SharePoint and GIS, Tues 5/19/15 at 10:30am PT

Webinar: Tues, May 19th 10:30am – 11:30am

Asset Management Using SharePoint and GIS
Please join us for an informative webinar featuring examples of asset management projects Interwest has implemented for local government agencies including facilities maintenance tracking in SharePoint and asset inspections and repair tracking using Collector for ArcGIS.
Warm regards,
Steve Gay | GIS and IT Manager
interwest Consulting Group |
D 916.436.3017 |M 916.838.6870 |

Monday, May 11, 2015

Weed Abatement for Fire Prevention Using GIS

Every year the City of Merced's Fire Department conducts a weed abatement survey to identify and locate areas where weed over-growth can cause a potential fire hazard.  

Residents are required to maintain their properties year round by removing weeds as well as other combustible debris such as junk wood, dead trees, and dead brush. Adherence to the ordinance is critical during the dry season.

Interwest partnered with the City’s GIS department to quickly develop a web based inspection application to help track all the information tied to the weed abatement survey. 

Read more here:

The GIS application helped the city gather the information in just a few weeks, allowing staff to analyze the data and work with citizens on mitigating the potential fire hazards.

Interested in having Interwest's GIS Solutions team create a web application for your agency?  Contact the GIS Team to get started. 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Drought Response and Water Conservation with GIS

The City of Elk Grove's citizens are served by multiple water purveyors. Each agency is responsible for determining rationing and restrictions of its customers as California faces the most severe drought in recorded history. The City created a web page to help citizens determine which agency services their home and their home's permitted watering days and times. 

Interwest's GIS team assisted this effort by creating a web map for citizens to determine which agency services their home.

In addition to the webmap, Interwest created a widget for the webpage that allows a citizen to look up their address and determine their watering restrictions. Addresses auto-fill as the citizen types, the citizen selects the appropriate address and searches.

The widget accesses the rest end point of the ArcGIS Online hosted feature service to display restrictions based on the water purveyor servicing that address and the even/odd address number of the parcel.

Interested in having Interwest's GIS Solutions team assist with your agency's drought response efforts?  Contact the GIS Team to get started. 

CSD Demonstrates Storm Water Compliance Using GIS

Cosumnes Community Services District (CSD) needed to create an inventory of drainage inlets to meet California State Water Control Board storm sewer system requirements.

Interwest acquired data, created map products, and a custom webpage to view and edit the data:

  • Data exports acquired from the City of Elk Grove
  • Web map of inlets, pipelines, and outfalls in or near the CSD’s parks and fire stations
  • Field inspections to add inlets within the District’s parks
  • Custom webpage to display the inlet details and images

The data creation process included starting with the infrastructure provided by the City of Elk Grove, removing inlets, pipeline and outfalls that were not connected to CSD’s parks or firestation, adding new inlets that were within CSD’s properties, and mapping them to their appropriate outfall. Field inspections were conducted using Collector for ArcGIS to add inlets and their related details and photos.

The District is able to demonstrate the flow of storm water from inlet to outfall to the California State Water Control Board for each of their properties, track inspection date, watershed area, ownership information and images to assist with state requirements as well as maintenance efforts. 

The webpage allows staff to edit live data from the rest end point of the hosted feature class; any changes to the inlets on the webpage are available immediately on the map in ArcGIS Online or Collector for ArcGIS. 

Interested in having Interwest's GIS Solutions team assist with your agency's State Water Control Board requirements?  Contact the GIS Team to get started.